Презентации в powerpoint

Права человека




ü Конвенция о защите всех мигрантов и членов их семей 1990

2 новые конвенции были приняты ГА ООН в 2006 ожидающие достаточное количество ратификации

Ø Конвенция о Правах Лиц с Ограниченными Способностями

Ø Конвенция о защите лиц от вынужденного исчезновения

The UN Charter (San Francisco 1945) and Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR 1948) are the foundation upon which the main bulk of the international human rights normative framework has been built. They have also being the inspiration of subsequent regional human rights regimes and national laws. The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the main UN organ in charge of promoting and protecting human rights. It is the successor of the former Commission on Human Rights

- Other international instruments may contain additional human rights standards such as the international humanitarian law and the refugees law, as well as the ILO, UNESCO, FAO conventions and declarations and others. Many humanitarian law instruments are prior to the UN charter and the UDHR. However they share common values and principles of human dignity, freedoms and entitlements.

- The ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169) is the only international Convention dealing specifically with the human rights of these peoples on a comprehensive basis. The ILO applies a rights-based approach for its own work in this area, in addition of course to a legal instrument to protect the rights of workers

- Regional regimes. Some regions of the world have adopted their own regional human rights regimes. These systems do not replace but reinforce the international regime. The relation between these two systems is therefore not hierarchical but complementary.

National Protection systems. States should make sure that their national constitutions and laws are consistent with the international and regional human rights regimes they are party to. The World Conference on Human Rights’ request to Governments “to incorporate standards as contained in international human rights instruments in domestic legislation and to strengthen national structures, institutions and organs of society which play a role in promoting and safeguarding human rights”.

Слайд 7

История прав человека это история выявления правовой основы человеческого достоинства.

История прав человека это история выявления правовой основы человеческого достоинства.

Эти документы всего лишь отображают нашу человечность.

Права человека существуют для того чтобы человеческая жизнь осталась человечной.

Человечность права заключается в том, что они охраняют особенную значимость всех людей: запрещая произвольное убийство, запрещая пытки, предоставляя право на питание для того чтобы сохранить жизнь.

Слайд 8

Универсализм и культурные релятивизм

Универсализм и культурные релятивизм


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