Презентации в powerpoint

Права человека




Права человека это не только правовые гарантии, но и ценности которые присуще каждой системе, религии, культуре и традиции.

Слайд 4

ООН и Права Человека

ООН и Права Человека

Права человека у истоках ООН

1945 Ст. 1 Устава ООН :… «поощрение, и уважение прав человека и основных свобод для всех …”

Всеобщая декларация прав человека


States Parties have specific obligations to respect, protect, and fulfil the rights recognized in the treaty and to take the necessary action towards their implementation. All rights, to varying degrees, entail obligations of an immediate kind, such as the obligation not to discriminate in the realization of the right in question. In the case of economic, social and cultural rights in particular, obligations can also be of a progressive kind, the realization of the right being subject to resource constraints.

• The obligation to respect the human rights of all people within its jurisdiction, meaning abstaining from any conduct or activity that violates human rights. This obligation requires States to ensure that human rights are fully respected in state policies, laws and actions, including those of public officials.

• The obligation to protect the human rights of all people without discrimination from violations by state and non-state actors including individuals, groups, institutions and corporations. This obligation requires States to ensure that everyone enjoys their human rights within their jurisdiction by protecting their human rights from the actions of individuals and groups including corporations, institutions, and public and private bodies. This protection is achieved primarily through the enactment of laws and the establishment of redress procedures, as well as through national mechanisms to monitor human rights violations.

• The obligation to fulfil (or ensure) human rights by creating an enabling environment through all appropriate means particularly through resource allocation. This obligation requires States to take establish measures to ensure the realisation of human rights such as legislative, administrative, or other measures in order to give effect to the rights recognized in the treaty. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child both provide that States should “take steps, to the maximum of available resources, towards the progressive achievement of the full realisation of these rights.” Thus, the State must take steps such as by setting goals, targets and timeframes for their national plans for fulfilling rights, which may also include seeking international development assistance. The obligation to fulfil includes promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms through, for example, human rights education and training, and ensuring that human rights principles and standards recognized in the human rights treaties are widely known, as well as other measures necessary to prevent violations of human rights.

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